Open Source
Production Ready

Appropriateness assessment toolkit that your compliance officer will approve

Generate ready-to-use appropriateness assessments in minutes, not weeks. Our toolkit is designed to help you meet FCA requirements.

    "label": "Is FinQuiz liable for your losses?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "No, I trade at my own risk",
      "No, but FinQuiz will refund my losses",
      "Yes, FinQuiz is liable for my losses"
    "correct": 1
    "label": "The nature of cryptoassets is...",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Stable, only meme coins have risks and I do not need to know what they are",
      "All the same for each coin so I do not need to do my own research",
      "Varying, each crypto asset class has specific risks and I should do my own research prior to investing"
    "correct": 3
    "label": "What protection is provided in the event that you incur losses while trading cryptoassets?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "FinQuiz will return my funds",
      "My investment is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme",
      "None, I am liable for any losses"
    "correct": 3
    "label": "Investing in cryptoassets is...",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "A risk-free opportunity that is likely to bring a high return",
      "A popular thing to do so is unlikely to have any risks",
      "A high-risk investment and I must understand the risks prior to investing"
    "correct": 3
    "label": "When thinking of investing in cryptoassets you should...",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Only invest money I can afford to lose",
      "Invest as much as possible",
      "Cash in my pension as returns are guaranteed"
    "correct": 1
    "label": "If my cryptoassets are lost, I am guaranteed to get my money back:",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "True, up to 50% of it",
      "True, up to 100% of it"
    "correct": 1
    "label": "What does FinQuiz do on behalf of clients?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Conducts due diligence on all underlying investments",
      "Provides market analysis but does not conduct due diligence on all underlying investments",
      "Guarantees profits on all investments"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "What is the nature of your rights and obligations when investing in cryptoassets with FinQuiz?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "I have full legal and beneficial ownership with no risks",
      "I understand the legal and beneficial ownership and the associated risks",
      "FinQuiz owns the assets and I have no ownership rights"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "Can you lose all the money you invest in a qualifying cryptoasset?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "No, cryptoassets are a safe investment",
      "Yes, there is a risk of losing all the money invested",
      "Only if the market crashes"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "How complex can investments in qualifying cryptoassets be?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Simple and easy to understand with minimal risks",
      "Potentially complex with significant risks that are difficult to understand",
      "No more complex than traditional investments"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "How volatile can the performance of qualifying cryptoassets be?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Very volatile, values can fall as quickly as they rise",
      "Stable, with predictable performance",
      "Slightly volatile, but generally stable"
    "correct": 1
    "label": "What operational risks can affect your cryptoassets?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "None, operational risks are minimal",
      "Risks such as cyber-attacks, loss of private keys, and financial crime",
      "Only risks related to market performance"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "What happens if FinQuiz becomes insolvent?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "My investment is completely safe",
      "There are risks to the management and administration of my investment",
      "FinQuiz guarantees the safety of my investment even if it becomes insolvent"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "Can you easily sell your qualifying cryptoasset investment?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Yes, there is always a market for cryptoassets",
      "No, there may be market illiquidity or operational outages",
      "Yes, but only during certain market conditions"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "What is the regulated status of FinQuiz in relation to FCA regulation?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Fully regulated by the FCA for all activities",
      "Partially regulated with some activities unregulated",
      "Not regulated by the FCA"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "To what extent does the Financial Ombudsman Service or FSCS protect your investment?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Fully protects against any loss or poor investment performance",
      "Provides no protection against poor investment performance",
      "Partially protects but does not cover unauthorised persons"
    "correct": 3
    "label": "Is investing in qualifying cryptoassets comparable to mainstream investments?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "Yes, they are similar to listed or exchange-traded securities",
      "No, they are not comparable to mainstream investments",
      "Somewhat, but with higher risks"
    "correct": 2
    "label": "What is the benefit of diversification in investing?",
    "type": "radio",
    "options": [
      "There is no need for diversification",
      "Diversification helps spread risk and retail clients should not invest more than 10% of their net assets in restricted mass market investments",
      "Only invest in one type of asset for better returns"
    "correct": 2

Tailored to your needs

Seamlessly integrate our open-source toolkit into your existing codebase and data flows, with full compatibility for CSS and Tailwind.

Features and Benefits
Built for fintech teams who want to move fast
Open Source. Fully customise appropriateness quizzes to suit your specific needs.
Easy integration. Simple and quick setup to get you started swiftly. One JSON file to manage it all.
Customisable. Customise your assessment to match your brand's unique style.
Compliance-Ready quizzes. Developed with FCA requirements in mind to ensure you stay compliant.
Own and control your data. You store your customers' data and retain full control.
Go live today. Streamline the appropriateness assessment process. Save time for core features.

Not there yet? We can do it for you.

With our toolkit, you can confidently meet FCA requirements and focus on driving innovation. But it will be even easier if we do it for you.
